Some Short Updates
Here is a few short success stories that we will regularly update.
Some of these horses were back to 'normal' in a very short space of time, hence there is not a lot to write about :-)
‘Ollie’ was head-flicking and staggering...
"I just wanted to provide an update on ‘Ollie’. Holy heck, what a difference!
He's still not 100%, but I'm able to ride him now. He's still got a bit of a head flick, and is still a bit pushy and rushy but he's definitely ‘Ollie’ again.
Honestly, I'm so relieved I had your products on hand, and was able to take him off our explosive grass!
Yes, that's my grass in the photo! Lovely dairy rye all rich and green! He was fine on it through summer but autumn was too much. I'll be hitting you up for advice on how to improve/manage it shortly, I suspect.
He now lives on my race and in a sand yard. His symptoms reduced from violent head-flicking (and ‘staggering’ with them) to moderate within a couple of days.
Plus personality changes for the better! It's now been 8 days, and I rode him carefully on day 6. And trotted him on day 7. We still have a way to go until he's 100% but he's so much happier now. I'm sure glad we were able to get to where we are!
I'm currently giving him 3 feeds a day: 1tbsp salt, 1/2 scoop SOS, 1/2 scoop GrazeEzy, 1/2 scoop AlleviateGold, all mixed into timothy chaff, beet, flaxseed oil, with a handful of low GI feed. At night he gets his minerals and plenty of hay".
Rachael & Ollie, Hamilton, NZ

A BIG Difference in just 48 Hours…….
This horse’s owner was at her wits end:
June 12, “Hi I am contacting you from Northland- a friend gave me your details and suggested I contact you- I am after some help and expertise please- my 10 yr old WB/TB cross came down with a skin rash on girth area on 23/5 then swollen legs, got vet and treated then week later he was again unwell, ataxic, wobbly behind, hyper-sensitive and trembling.
After Queen’s birthday weekend I got the vet again- long lasting antibiotics were given and B1 and B12, as well as bute. At the time he was very reactive, no temperature, eating hard feed but not interested in grass and not drinking much. All this helped a little but he is still very tucked up with low appetite. Do you have any suggestions - could it be grass related? Staggers? Endophyte toxin? Been adding magnesium and toxin binder and salt with feed.”
This horse’s problems weren’t due to lack of any one mineral like magnesium, in addition to being wobbly he was generally unwell and had been since mid May.
Hence we recommended the AlleviateGold product because it works on the foundations of health of the whole body enabling proper nerve and muscle function, including digestive motility and absorption. (He had been wobbly, trembling, tucked up, hardly eating or drinking)
Blood tests were back by then showing mild anemia plus some inflammation. AlleviateGold was borrowed from a friend as it was Sunday, and a tablespoon was syringed in every 2-3 hours all day.
A teaspoon of salt was added to each syringe to get salt intake up enough to trigger drinking.
June 13: Just the next day late afternoon : “Eating now!!! Copra and beet with salt and small amount of hygain zero . 2 small servings this afternoon much happier. Almost likes his syringe. Funny must know it’s doing him good. Put bucket of water in box and yes he has had some. Can give him one more dose with salt tonight that will make 6 all up today . Whew! Feel better to be doing something!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
The syringing was continued 4 times on Monday with the addition of AlleviateC/SOS to his feeds. By late that afternoon:
“So much brighter. Last dose now with salt. He even had a little more dinner! He is urinating. So that’s good. Not a lot of drinking but some!”
June 14: “Do I need to feed any electrolytes or anything else in his feed?”
No need for electrolytes as you are already feeding them with the salt
Hi Jenny- I have changed his hay to a bulkier, stalky bale, he is on zero+beet+copra+SOS for now in a few small portions throughout the day. His overall demeanour is much better.
Later on June 14 “Joy! He has had a big, long drink! “
As he had not been well for some time and the goal was to get him back to optimal health we explained he would benefit greatly from Premium MVA (this supplies all his daily essential Minerals, Vitamins & Amino Acids including selenium) and thereby reduce the amounts of the therapeutic products like SOS and Alleviate Gold needed.
He has now been carefully (starting with 20 minutes) introduced to some rankish kikuyu grass every day.
Later on June 14: “Such a BIG change in the last 48 hours. Thank you so much Jenny
Premium MVA, XtraCal (as he will be on kikuyu grass long term) and salt will be his daily nutrition going forward that will basically keep issues at bay - it pays the keep some of the Gold, SOS on hand in case of inevitable fluctuations.
June 18th Hi Jenny, I can’t believe the week has come to an end. He is looking really bright and quite 'normal' in the box, hand grazing and also in the long narrow paddock I let him out in. Upon your suggestion I am easing him back onto grass slowly one meter at a time! So that’s going well, and am feeding SOS full scoop plus TBSP Alleviate GOLD 2x a day in feed plus light lunch so he can pick up. Thanks again!
That is great news! - it was great you took the leap of faith and did the frequent syringing, we know from experience it is needed especially for these bigger horses.
So thankful he is on the mend, and improving more and more each day. He had a wee lunge yesterday, moving well. Again so grateful you have helped us. Next week we will ease him into normal life - lunging and some light work
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