
Nov 28 2019
"Jenny from calm healthy horses saved my beautiful horses life.
I honestly can’t thank her enough for what she has done.
10 months ago my horse got extremely sick, swollen sheath, his legs, stomach, chest were so swollen skin was hanging.
He was lumpy, scabby and all his hair had fallen out, he was so so itchy he would run round the paddock after me in hope I would scratch him.
He was absolutely miserable my poor boy, it broke my heart
I spent thousands of dollars on vet bills, skin tests, blood tests and on allergy tonics, changing covers, covering him from head to toe (I tried everything) trying to help him, he would get better for a few days and then it would come back worse.
The vets had no idea what was wrong.
Less than 3 months ago a friend gave me the contact for Jenny and she wrote my horse a nutritional program, she had worked miracles for my boy, every week I saw an improvement and now look at him, he was back to his old beautiful self again.
The photos tell a thousand words, you can see the before and after pics I have taken. He looks like a completely different horse.
Thank you Jenny, you saved my horses life"
A person’s first thought when you see symptoms like that is ‘allergies’ but is it really?
We have learned from experience over the years that it is a mistake to think that:
- just because it is a terrible skin condition that it is necessarily an ‘allergy’.
- or to think that ‘allergies’ are only caused by external factors when what has happened is a disturbance to the horse's metabolism.
When the condition is recognised for what it really is, it is relatively simple to address. The combination of a dedicated owner and appropriate diet adjustments was all it took.
Ultimately minerals run every metabolic process in the body. When minerals are out of balance all sorts of metabolic processes are disturbed. When you keep the diet to things they DO need and leave out things they DON'T need you will be amazed at the issues that resolve all on their own.
The very simple principles that we always advocate are about providing nutrients to the horse within parameters that allow the horse to balance his own minerals. We are not trying to do it for him - so no forage analyses, computer programmes or mathematics involved. This is not just about ‘topping up’ what is lacking. It is about looking at the total picture and understanding what has gone wrong.
Poker was fed the following per day:
A full scoop of Premium MVA (Minerals, Vitamins & Amino Acids)** – all the nutrients he needs and none that he doesn't.
A full scoop of AlleviateC/SOS
A full scoop of ShapeUp (amino acids)
Also a full scoop (one as in the products so 50-60gms) of salt (plain fine ag-salt) per day.
Flaxseed oil
All mixed in just oaten chaff with a few carrots for taste.
We stipulated to not add anything else.
He stayed out on long grass the whole time.
Dayna would wash him once a week to remove the strange oil build up in his hair and scabs.
We also recommended Aloe Vera Gel to be topically applied on his itch to help him, it is very soothing.
**For Australia instead of MVA you would use Supreme Vit & Min plus ShipShape

Feb 28th 2020
Today we heard from Dayna again whose beautiful horse “Poker” we helped last year:
“Poker is doing really well still, he has just finished filming on a movie (‘Juniper’) where he played the lead.
Who would have thought a year ago he would be back to better than normal! Thanks so much, Dayna”